

The Myth of the Rational Market

本日は、The Myth of the Rational Market(邦題:合理的市場という神話/東洋経済新報社)を紹介します。


本書の中には、MBAでも学習するFinanceやEconomicsの概念を築いた人々が沢山出てきます。Risk(分散)とReturn(平均)の変数を用いてPortfolio理論の基礎を築いたH. Markowitz、CAPM理論を考え出したW. Sharp, J. Lintner, J. Mossin, MM理論で知られるF. Modligliani & M. Miller, Black Sholes Modelで有名なF. Black, M. Sholes, R. Merton, Arbitrage Modelの考案者でRWJの著者の一人でもあるS. Ross, Efficient Marketの代表格でK. Frenchとともに(Three) Factor Modelで知られるF. Farma,  Jensen's alphaやCorporate Governance論の領域でも有名なM. Jensen, CAPM批判のR. Rollなどなど。また、行動経済学のD. Kahneman & A.Tversky, R. Thalerといった面々も登場します。さらには、K. Arrow, M. Friedman, P. Samuelson, F. Hayekといった近代の経済学の基礎を築いた大御所も名を連ねます。


The overwhelming majority of research in finance in those days was no longer concerned with the question of whether markets were efficient. One just assumed that they were, and proceeded from there.

Risk was seen as a natural phenomenon, a scatter graph of potential outcomes that could be kept within bounds and manipulated mathematically.


Financial markets are not natural phenomena. They are man-made-made by men and women whose business is gazing into an uncertain, risky future. The act of managing risk in such an environment alters that environment, creating a never-stable feedback loop.

These people(young quants) knew how to work statistical models, but they lacked the market experience needed to make informed judgments. Meanwhile, those with the experience, wisdom, and authority to make informed judgments-the bosses-didn't understand the statistical models.


The leap from observing that it is hard to predict stock price movements to concluding that those prices must therefore be right was, he declared at a conference in 1984, "one of the most remarkable errors in the history of economic thought.

Overconfidence doesn't get you to a theory of asset prices. It gets you to a theory of why asset prices overshoot their fundamental values-which in turn can coexist with a loose version of the efficient market hypothesis.

・・・ and for now we have to make do with the muddle of neoclassical and behavioral and experimental and asymmetric-information economics and finance that we have.

If market participants failed to follow a particular non-market-determined norm- integrity -markets wouldn't work. The market couldn't govern itself.

なお(本論から少しそれますが)、Finance理論の発展と同じくらい面白いのが、FinanceとEconomicsの理論や学者のせめぎ合い、そしてその中で発展した米国のBusiness Schoolに関する記述です。Harvard, Chicago, Whorton, MIT, Yaleはもとより、Rochester, Carnegie MellonといったBuisness Schoolに関する記述はとても興味深いものがありました。

優秀な研究者の下には(その人を慕って)優秀な人材が集まるということで、いわゆるApprentice System(徒弟制度)が重要だということが理解できます。 Warwickも著名な教授(研究者)を招聘して、どんどん知名度を上げて欲しいものです。最近、ランキング等がちょっと冴えないので・・・。

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